Friday 9 April 2010

Photo shoot Schedule

My photo shoot is now fast approaching and so I need to make a schedule of how the day will run and in what order we will shoot the seven deadly sins. We only have the studio booked for a day and there is the added pressure that my model Georgia needs to finish as early as possible on the day as she has exams to revise for. Therefore it is imperitive that I have a plan to make sure the day runs smoothly and we don't waste any time. I want to start the day as early as possible so we have the maximum amount of time.

8:30am - Studio opens, set up the studio, do Georgia's hair and make up

10am - Start photo shoot, Pride

10:30am - Greed

11am - Wrath

11:30am - Sloth

12pm - Lunch break

12:30pm - Envy

1pm - Lust

1:30pm - Gluttony

2pm - Finish photo shoot, pack up studio

2:30pm - Leave studio