Thursday 15 April 2010

Final seven deadly sins images

Envy: I have chosen this image, as I like the way Georgia has the pen poised as if to show that she is the culpret behind defacing the pictures of models in the magazines. Her expression suggest a hint of jealousy and revenge, as if she has just been caught in the act.
Gluttony: This image really shows off the paper sandwich and I like how Georgia has her eyes wide open in an expression of surprise, as if she has just been caught in the act of gorging on food. This also adds a slightly humorous element to the photograph which works well.
Greed: I like how in this image Georgia is looking straight down the camera lense in a slightly seductive way as if she has been seduced by the handful of money she is clutching.
Lust: I like how Georgia is grabbing onto the newspaper bedding in this image, as if to show her desire and lust and hint as to what has just taken place.
Pride: I like how Georgia has got her head held high and looking straight into the camera, to show that she is proud to be wearing nothing more than the headdress and is showing it off.
Sloth: I particularly like the composition of the bubbles in this image as they frame Georgia, without obstructing her. I also like Georgia's starry, dazed expression as if she is day-dreaming in her own world.
Wrath: I like the mean and angry stare Georgia is giving straight down the camera as she is tearing up the sheet of newspaper in her hands.