Monday 12 April 2010

Day of Photo shoot!

Today we did the photo shoot and I am very relieved and happy to say it went without any major hitches or problems. I was up really early to pack my car full of everything we needed for the day and to pick Jackson up to take him with me to the studio. Luckily Jackson was happy to take on the role of my assistant as well as photographer as I definitely needed his help carrying everything from my car to the studio.
First job of the day was to do Georgia's hair and make up. Ideally I would of liked to use a professional hair and make up artist for the shoot but was unable to find anyone who was available on the day and who would do it for free. I felt pretty confident that I would be able to pull off a professional look with the hair and make up, however I did feel abit under pressure to get the hair just how I wanted it as I know difficult hair can sometimes be at getting just right, and I didn't have the time for a bad hair day!
Whilst I had georgia in hair and make up Jackson set up the studio ready for the shoot, but by the time we were all ready for the first shoot we were running half and hour late according to schedule. The rest of the mornings shoot ran smoothly although we were still running late to the schedule, so we all agreed to work through lunch which put us back on track.
We all worked really well together during the day and it turned out to be a really enjoyable experience, as there wasn't anything to get stressed about as things were running smoothly and I was able to see that we were getting the results I had planned for.
The only minor problems on the day were that Jackson had forgotten his cable to connect his camera to his laptop which meant we couldn't upload and view the photographs during the shoot. This meant that as his camera's memory card only had a limited amount of space he had to delete some of the photos throughout the day to make space for new ones.
Also I had planned for Georgia to bring and wear her own shoes as part of the styled outfits, but she had also forgotten to bring them and I knew we didn't have time to go back and get them so I made the decision that it wouldn't matter too much if she was bare foot as I knew in most of the pictures her feet would be obsured anyway.
I am so glad that I have completed the photo shoot and I'm now looking forward to seeing the images we created today.