Wednesday 14 April 2010

Contact Sheets

I got my images from Jackson today and was really excited to see how they had turned out, as I didn't really get chance to view any at the photoshoot. Overall I am really pleased with how my images have turned out, however I do think that some of the sin concepts worked better than others, therefore I have a bigger selection to choose from for some sins and not for others. I also feel like I have a bigger selection to choose from than others because at the photoshoot I had to trust Jackson to delete any bad photographs as we went along, to make space on his memory card for new images as he had forgotten the cable used to download the images onto his laptop. I feel like he may have deleted a few too many from the first couple of shoots as I can remember him taking alot more photographs than I actually ended up with, but at the end of the day I only have to choose one image for each sin, so it does make the selection process slightly easier.
This shows the first selection process where I have already disregarded quite a few and have been left with this selection. I often find it quite difficult to see straight away which is the best image if I have loads to choose from, although it is nice when you can see the best image standing out straight away.

I think these images are some of the most successful from the entire shoot, as I think the overall composition and colour combination worked really well and have eneded up with lots of images to choose from. From this set of images,I need to choose the image which shows off my paper sandwich and props the best and where the sandwich isn't obstructing the models face and expression.
For these images, I wanted to experiment with using a number of facial expressions to show off the different meanings associated with the sin envy. I need to decided which of these images expresses the emotions of envy the most convincingly.
The strongest images from this selection are the ones where the bubbles are in shot but don't obstruct the model too much. I wanted to experiment with the model yawning and looking sleepy and bored, but I like the ones best where it looks like she is day-dreaming in her own world.
The best images from this selection are the meanest and moodiest looking, however its a shame that alot of her outfit has been obstructed by tearing up the newspaper. This will be a compromise I will have to make when choosing the final image. However, I do think it is more important in this case to choose the image which the best facial expression over the view of the clothes.
I am happy with the composition of these images, however they are all pretty much the same. I think this had something to do with  my model feeling slighty awarkard and unsure in such a situation, although I did try an give her lots of encouraging direction. It will be a case of choosing the one where she looks the most natural and relaxed.
This was the first sin we shot as I wanted to start the day on a nice easy one, however it does mean all the images are again very similar, as I wanted the attention to be on the headpiece in this image. There are only so many ways a person can angle their head and create an expression of pride, and from looking at this selection I can tell the image I choose will have to be one of the headdress shot from straight on, as it definitely shows it at its best from this angle.
I seemed to have very few images of any use, when I first got the full disc of images back from Jackson. This was slighty disappointing as I do remember spending about half and hour taking loads of photographs of this sin. This image wasn't excatly how I had envisgaed it, as I had planned for the paper money to be thrown up in the air and to be falling down all around her. We did attempt this many a time, however it wasn't very successfull as on every image the money covered the models face and we couldn't get the timing right. Therefore I don't have many to choose from as all the bad ones where deleted at the time, although I think one of the close up shots will work the best for the final image.