Friday 9 April 2010

Trip to the Paper Eaters in Selfridges

Just came back from London yesterday, as I went up there for my birthday but also as it would be a great opportunity to go to the paper eaters event in Selfridges. The reason for this trip was generally to have a look around, take some photographs and also visualise the space where I am going to display my images once I have done my photoshoot next week. I am really impressed with the look and feel of the event, as The Girls have definitely captured the nostalja of the 80s era.
Whilst I was there, I took a look around the space to see where my images would best be displayed. There was plenty of pink mesh fencing to choose from although othere peoples work was already hanging in some of the sections. I decided that the ideal space would be a large section of fencing inside the disco floor area, where on the reverse Justine was displaying her origami birds, which will add another layer and texture when my images are displayed on top.
Although Zoe was very busy being interviewed when I went along, I did manage to speak to her to agree that this space would be ok to hang my work in. We also agreed that I would come back on monday 19th April a week after my photo shoot to mount and display my images. I am looking forward to coming back and seeing what my images look like in this space.