Tuesday 27 April 2010

Experimenting with Typography

I have decided to experiment with typography as I will need to present my images in a communicative format and it is likely that I will also include some text, such as the title of each sin. I have searched through all the fonts available in InDesign CS4 (as this the program I will use to create my presentation layouts) and picked out all the fonts that I think could be appropriate to use and enchance my images. I have choosen a varitey of fonts which could be used for headings, as they are all more stylised than a font you would use for a main body of text.
Alot of the fonts I have experiemented have stylised scrolls, which gives the text a flamboyant and artistic flair and would compliment my images. However many of these fonts also represent period styles of writing, which may look abit old-fashioned and out-dated for what I am trying to achieve.
I need to choose a font that has a clean and elegant  modern look, as to not distract attention from my images but which will equally compliment them. The font I have choosen to use is called, University Roman LET which combines modern refinement with a stylised flair.