Monday 8 March 2010

America's Next Top Model Campaign

I haven't really found any examples of fashion editorials that have used the concept of the seven deadly sins, however I was aware that America's Next Top Model had used it with their models as an advertisement campaign. I think this is a great example, if not abit obvious way of portraying the seven sins and shows that to create the different  look of each sin they have relied heavily on the use of colour, props, styling of outfits and the models facial expressions. I will definitely need to take all these factors into account when storyboarding each sin, so the audience is aware and can identify each sin as some are very similar and can overlap in their meanings, such as Greed and Gluttony. I also like the composition of these images as you don't often see a whole series of fashion images shot from overhead but I think it creates good continuity and shows how very little of each image is actually needed in order for an audience to identify each sin.