Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Paper Eaters: The Event!

This is the press release The Girls have produced for the Paper Eaters event, and it's fair to say I'm getting pretty excited about getting involved now. I had my first meeting with Zoe yesterday, which involved discussing the outline of my concept and how I could display my work at the event. Zoe was really positive about my ideas and gave me a clearer idea of the style in which I could display my work. She agreed that it would be a good idea to hang my images on the pink wire fencing at the event using pegs or in smashed glass frames to create a DIY look. We decided that a good idea could be for the images to be printed using a colour photocopier to create an informal test shoot style, with added notes. These are all things I will need to consider when presenting my images at the Paper Eaters event in Selfridges, however I don't think I will be sure until I see the final images although I will work on these options in the meantime.

Plan of paper eaters event layout. Pink lines indicate the wire mesh fencing, where I will be able to display my work.

Paper Eaters logo in cute, candy colours.